Attendance Matters
When children are absent from school they miss learning opportunities across all areas of their development, resulting in gaps in their social and emotional wellbeing and knowledge and understanding. At Norwich Road Academy we place a high priority on children acquiring a sense of commitment towards regular attendance.
We promote and expect good school attendance from all children to ensure they receive the best start in life. In order for children to be fully part of what we do and to be a ‘super learner’, they need to be at school every day. Irregular attendance disrupts the continuity of learning and affects relationships in school.
It is parents'/carers’ duty to ensure that their child regularly attends school. This includes good punctuality, arriving at school ready to meet friends and start the school day.
Parents/carers should plan their holidays within school breaks and avoid seeking permission to take their child / children out of school during term time. Routine dentist/doctor appointments should be made outside of school times so it doesn’t affect your child’s learning. Should you need to take your child out during the school day, please let the office know. Medical evidence may be requested.
If your child needs medication (prescribed or over the counter) to be administered during the school day, please bring it to the office where you will be requested to complete the appropriate form.
There is strong evidence that there is a direct link between a child’s level of attendance and their educational attainment. Missed minutes at school = missed learning and missed opportunities.
We celebrate good attendance weekly in our assemblies and in classes, where children are given certificates and rewards. We track attendance carefully and will get in touch if we feel that there is a concern.
Reporting Absences:
Please inform the academy before 9.15am on the first day of any absence, by calling 01842 753279.
Daily monitoring of attendance is completed by our Attendance Team.
Parents / carers must inform the academy office if their child is not coming to school, along with a reason why. If we do not hear from parents / carers, we will try to make contact to find out why your child is not at school. If we are unable to make contact with you, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. In some cases we may need to visit the child's home.
If your child has a cough, cold or a mild temperature you should still send them to school. We often find that once they are busy learning with friends they feel better and benefit from being in school.
Attendance Tracking - Parental Responsibilities
It is a legal requirement that children attend school regularly. The Education Act 1996 states that, “If a child of compulsory school age who is registered at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his/her parent is guilty of an offence.” Therefore, please ensure that:
- Your child arrives every day by registration time.
- You notify us by 9:15am on the first day of your child's absence and provide a reason.
- You provide medical information where you are able.
- You arrange medical and dental appointments outside school hours.
- You do not take leave or holidays during term time.
Any absence from the academy without explanation is always dealt with as a safeguarding concern.
Please note that, as an academy, we do not automatically follow the Norfolk County Council school holidays calendar. As part of Eastern Multi Academy Trust, we will follow their calendar. (see link below)
Holidays during term time are actively discouraged. Parents are reminded of the effect that absence can have on a pupil’s potential achievement. The current regulations from the Department for Education say that Headteachers/Principals may not give permission for leave of absence during term time for any reason unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents must apply in advance for permission for any leave of absence. The necessary form is held at the school’s office and also available to download.
Research has shown that children often do not catch up on work missed, which can have serious consequences for their learning and progress. The Government is very clear that all schools must aim to have the highest attendance possible for all their pupils in order for them to achieve their maximum potential.
It is important that children arrive on time and are ready for their learning. The beginning of the school day is a time that helps to settle them with their peers. It sets the tone for the day’s learning. Being punctual is a life skill to be encouraged. If lateness is a problem for your child, we will support your child by getting in touch with you to discuss this.
Our Start Times
Reception to Year 6
8:35am – Our gates are open and children can make their way to their classrooms
8.40am - Our classrooms are open for children to come in and settle into an 'Early Morning Activity'
8:45am – Registration and start of academy day. If a child arrives after this time, they should make their way to the academy office to ensure that their arrival is recorded.
If they arrive after 8.45, they will be registered as 'Late.'
Nursery - Sessions start at 9.00am and 12.00pm
Do you need help encouraging your child to attend?
We aim to have an engaging curriculum and welcoming environment for your child, here at Norwich Road Academy. The team here recognise the importance of good attendance and will support you as much as possible. If you are having difficulties or your child is reluctant to come to school, please let us know. Your child’s class teacher will be able to support you with difficulties over school work or friendships, for example. We take a strong approach to any allegations of bullying. Please see our policy section.
A good sleep and an organised routine will support attendance and punctuality. By being prepared and getting up at a set time, with clothes and equipment organised beforehand, a positive approach is set. Parents and carers can make a big difference by showing an interest and that they value education.
If you need advice regarding particular challenging circumstances or are experiencing difficulties for your family, please get in touch. We can work together to tackle the problem.
Attendance Team - Mrs Purvis Attendance Lead, Miss Marshall Inclusion Lead, Mrs Thompson Attendance Administrator.
Please see below for useful links and information:
Just One Norfolk -Attendance Advice
This website will provide you with support and advice for good attendance.