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Home Learning


Ideas to support your EYFS child:

  • Read a story and talk about the characters
  • Practise phonics as often as you can
  • Practise counting
  • Talking about shapes and finding some in the home
  • Letter and number formation
  • Interact and play games

Year 1:

Ideas to support your Year 1 child:

  • Find objects around your home and use your phonics to label them
  • Read a book everyday and write a sentence about what happened in the story, remembering to include capital letter and full stops
  • Collect 10 pairs of socks, use them to practise counting in 2s
  • Get a pile of your favourite toys or Lego, group them into tens an ones and count how many you have
  • Get some seeds and plant them, record how high your plant grows each day

Year 2:

Ideas to support your Year 2 child:

  • Read everyday
  • Write book reviews for the books you finish
  • Keep a diary
  • Practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • Complete calculations using all four operations (+, -, x and ÷)
  • Measure objects around your home and record the lengths
  • Go on a 3D shape hunt, write the names of all the shapes you find, then make a table and record the number of faces, edges and vertices for each object
  • Collect some coins from your money box, list the coins you have and find the total amount. Try to make the same amount using different coins.

Year 3:

Ideas to support your Year 3 child:

  • Recall 3, 4 and 8 multiplications as well as their division facts
  • Use everyday objects to write fractions
  • Compare, order, add and subtract fractions with the same denominators
  • Measure objects around the house using a ruler and record in mm and cm
  • Baking is a perfect way to measure mass and capacity
  • Tell and write the time in 24 hour and analogue – do this at certain times of the day. Ask your children to help create a timetable
  • Draw 2D shapes and use a ruler to measure their sides
  • Add and subtract money using both pounds and pence
  • Ensure your child reads every day. Ask your child to give you a recount of what they have read.
  • Ask your children to keep a diary and include:
    – Conjunctions (if, since, at when, although, because), adverbs and prepositions (during, before, after, behind, in front of, between) to make sentences longer
    – Speech in sentences

Year 4:

Ideas to support your Year 4 child:

  • Read every day. Ask questions about what might happen next
  • Write a book review
  • Practise timetables
  • Practise spellings
  • Encourage addition and subtraction using money. How much change?
  • Use everyday objects to practise fractions – how much pizza have you eaten? What fraction of the socks are blue? What fraction of the cars you can see are red?
  • Make a plan to decorate a room and measure the perimeter
  • Write an explanation text about your favourite hobby

Year 5:

Ideas to support your Year 5 child:

  • Read lots of different types of texts and discuss them
  • Estimate the area and perimeter of the rooms in your house
  • Write a story including direct speech and parenthesis
  • Create different fractions using everyday objects, then record and compare them
  • Practise Y5/6 spelling words
  • Recap specific grammatical terminology
  • Practise multiplying 4 digit numbers by 1 or 2 digit numbers
  • Practise dividing 4 digit numbers by a 1 digit numbers
  • Read, write, order and compare decimals, for example money

Year 6:

Ideas to support your Year 6 child:

  • Recap specific grammatical terminology
  • Practise spellings from the Y5/6 word list and put them in sentences
  • Read lots of different types of texts and discuss them
  • Practise calculating using all 4 written methods of calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
  • Explore equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Practise calculations using fractions and decimals
  • Find fractions and percentages of amounts

Additional learning resources

BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there’s so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.

Oxford Owl for Home
Lots of free resources for Primary age

Learn computer programming skills – fun and free.

Creative computer programming

Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos

National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.

Learn languages for free. Web or app.

Mystery Science
Free science lessons

The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos

Cbeebies Radio
Listening activities for the younger ones.

Nature Detectives…/
A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!

Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones

DK Find Out…
Activities and quizzes

This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures.

Times table rockstars