At Norwich Road Academy, we aim to foster a ‘can do’ attitude towards maths. If we feel we cannot do it, the sentence is always followed with YET! “I can’t do it YET!” This makes us believe we will be able to do it, we just have not quite learnt all the skills we need to solve the problem. This growth mind-set approach towards maths helps us all to achieve more than we believe we can.
At Norwich Road Academy we intend to provide a high quality maths curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. The curriculum will be accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. We want pupils to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems, including using maths in other areas of the curriculum. Pupils will be exposed to, and use, mathematical vocabulary at all stages of learning in order to embed their understanding. Throughout their mathematical journey, children will have access to resources in order to secure mathematical concepts through the use of a concrete – pictorial – abstract methods. As they leave Norwich Road Academy we aim for pupils to have the mathematical foundations that will enable them to become successful adults in the community and wider society.
Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach
At Norwich Road Academy we teach maths using a mastery approach. All pupils should have the opportunity to build competency by using the CPA (concrete-pictorial-abstract) approach. Pupils are encouraged to physically represent mathematical concepts. Objects and pictures are used to demonstrate and visualise abstract ideas, alongside numbers and symbols. Teachers follow the long term plan to ensure progression in skills. Vocabulary is taught and displayed, then used in full sentences when talking to pupils about their work. Click on the documents below to see the range of resources we use in school.
CPA multiplication and division
Times Tables Rock Stars
At Norwich Road Academy we use the online platform Times Tables Rock Stars to enable pupils in year 2 – Year 6 to practice fluency in their times tables knowledge.
There are six main game types at the heart of TT Rock Stars and they differ according to whether or not the tables are set for the pupils, and whether they're single player or multiplayer - see 'Game Types'
Frequency of practice is key with learning the tables. It's more effective to practice three minutes a day at least four times a week than practising for the same total duration once a week.
Pupils are encouraged to play at home, as well as using the programme to support learning in school.