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Our policies

Norwich Road Academy adopts the policies of the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust.

For the policies below, please visit the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust website here:

  • Accessibility
  • Admissions
  • Attendance
  • Charging & Remissions
  • Complaints
  • Contacting Parents
  • Educational Visits
  • Emergency Closure Policy
  • Equalities
  • Exclusion
  • E-Safety Policy
  • First Aid and Medical Needs Policy
  • Freedom of Information
  • Health & Safety
  • ICT (For Pupils)
  • Persistent Complaints and Harrassment
  • Positive Management of Aggressive & Violent Behaviour
  • Pregnant Students & Young Parents
  • Pupil Premium
  • RE
  • Self-Harm Policy and Procedures
  • SEND
  • Separated Parents
  • Sex & Relationship Education
  • Smoke Free

Local Policies

If you would like paper copies of our policies or any other information about the academy, please request this through the academy office.