PSHE at Norwich Road Academy
At Norwich Road Academy, we use Kapow! to provide our PSHE planning and resources. This gives teachers the support and resources they need whilst also giving them the flexibility to adapt their teaching to the needs of the children in their class. Kapow! also ensures that all statutory curriculum areas are covered and the scheme maps to the PSHE Associations programme of study. This is taught through our ‘Life Skills’ lessons.
Relationships and Sex Education is taught from the Norfolk RSE Solutions resources in the Summer Term. Parent consultations and demonstrations of the resources are completed before the content is taught each year. However, should you wish to view the resources at another time, please contact the academy office.
It is our intention to enable our pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to keep themselves healthy and safe both now and in the future. It is our intention that our pupils will be emotionally equipped to navigate and make positive, healthy life choices. At our academy it is our vision that quality first teaching in Personal Social and Health Education will have a positive impact on the life chances of all pupils and in particular our most vulnerable and disadvantaged children. In our academy we are fortunate to experience a rich diversity of cultures and backgrounds; our pupils will demonstrate respectful curiosity, understanding and tolerance of others. By embedding our Academy’s Ethos and Values throughout our academy life – not just during Life Skills lessons – pupils will develop good citizenship skills.
Norwich Road Academy staff teach British Values through:
- Our curriculum, which includes:
- Daily assemblies which support our Ethos and Values and develops mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith;
- Opportunities to raise money for charities throughout the year;
- The consistent implementation of a positive behaviour policy;
- Using a democratic process to select an active and engaged academy council.
- Having a wide selection of clubs and activities that pupils can choose to join. The language of choice is used throughout - supporting individual liberty;
- A supportive environment which reinforces our values.
At Norwich Road Academy we see Life Skills as being at the centre of all we do as an inclusive academy. We incorporate Life Skills aims and goals within our academy code of conduct and our academy values. Life Skills is a non-statuary subject; it is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All academy’s should teach Life Skills drawing on good practice. This expectation is outlined in the national curriculum. Through our curriculum, our values and our academy ethos we promote self-esteem and emotional well-being. We enable our pupils to form and maintain healthy, worthwhile and satisfying relationships based on respect for themselves and others at home, academy and in the community.
Mr Ingham is the subject lead for PSHE including RSHE, for the academy.
Resources to help protect children from harm
The NSPCC has a wide range of useful information and resources to support parents and schools in keeping young people safe from harm.
At Norwich Road Academy, we use their materials to enhance our Relationship Sex and Health Education (RSHE) Curriculum. Children here are taught the ‘Underwear Rule’ with Pantasaurus. This teaches them that ‘Privates are Private’ and basis of consent.
Support for parents and carers
Useful videos
The Underwear Rule with Pantasaurus
Internet Safety – I Saw Your Willy
Internet Safety – Lucy and the Boy